Design and Implementation
Training and familiarisation

Training & Mentoring
SkyNav’s training team gives access to decades of training experience, all the way from training system design, to Training Needs Analysis, to content delivery. The experience of our training team extends from ab-intio operational instruction to experienced upskill training. Our courses follow a proven design and development methodology and are created by ICAO TRAINAIR Plus certified course developers. SkyNav also provides professionally qualified Human Factors specialists including aviation psychologists.

ICAO Competency Based Training
The SkyNav team can assist with you implementation of the new ICAO Competency Based Training framework. We are able to provide expertise on implementation and transition strategy, and also implementation training for both regulators and service providers.
High Intensity Runway Operations (HIRO)
Operating an airport at high levels of efficiency relies on a number of factors, one of which is the capability of Air Traffic Controllers at that airport. SkyNav delivers a tailor made HIRO course, using direct operational experience from the world’s busiest airports, familiarising controllers with the skills and techniques necessary to operate individual runway movement rates in excess of 50 per hour.

Human Factors
SkyNav understands that people are a fundamental part of what we do. Humans are involved in all parts of the aerospace industry from concept, through design and development, to the end user. It is important that we understand the role which humans play, how human behaviours affect our industry, how to best utilise the systems we have at our disposal and how to integrate the user into future systems.
SkyNav can assist you in a variety of ways; developing awareness through training, reviewing procedures to maximise effectiveness, UI/UX guidance, Human-Machine Interface (HMI) assessments, and Human Factor specific safety analysis.
Abnormal & Emergency Situations

Change Implementation
Change is inevitable within an ever evolving industry such as aerospace. Ensuring that the changes you need to make are as effective as possible relies on many complicated elements being considered and established in specific orders
This can be especially important when rolling out new technologies or system-wide updates, where organisations are unfamiliar with the changes being implemented, and training to ease such change implementation within your team.

Aviation City, Dubai World Central,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 58 548 3759