Refresher Training
Abnormal and Emergency Situations

Aviation English & Language
Communication is a fundamental part of our industry. From the Air-Ground radiotelephony between pilots and air traffic controllers, to dealing face-to-face with handling agents and ground staff, the way we transmit our message greatly affects the service we provide and also receive. SkyNav offers a selection of services tailored to the improvement and maintenance of Aviation English within your organisation.
Advancing our language capabilities can significantly improve quality of service and even reputation. SkyNav delivers detailed and relevant Aviation Language tuition and refresher training, built to strengthen understanding and fluency in a variety of industry specific areas. Increasing one’s language confidence, through direct practice and vocabulary training sessions, can vastly improve the way we are understood. SkyNav provides ICAO English Language Assessments to ensure the communication level of your staff is maintained to the highest degree
SkyNav’s team of language experts are native English speakers. We provide the most accurate and precise levels of English, accompanied by recent and relevant operational experience across a variety of disciplines. This enables us to deliver content that is specific to your own operating requirements and relevant to your particular industry skillsets
For situations where we require local language assistance, SkyNav can call upon its wide network of local and in-country experts to ensure that the content being delivered is fully understood and to ensure the ongoing improvement in language capability is sustained for moving in to the future.

ICAO English Language Assessments
SkyNav provides ICAO compliant English Language assessments utilising level 6, native English speakers. Our robust and transparent assessment system ensures accurate and consistent results. We accompany our assessment results with detailed feedback to enable examinees and organisations to further develop their skills and seek continual improvement.
English for Technical, Abnormal and Emergency Situations
Explaining technical matters, especially during abnormal and emergency situations, can be critical to ensuring a safe outcome. These circumstances are stressful enough for those involved and removing communication hurdles enables their attention to be directed toward more important tasks. SkyNav provides training courses aimed at improving a candidate’s level of English language in a variety of specific areas, tailored to your organisation’s needs.

Aviation English Refresher Training
During our initial training for our various roles, we learn an extensive variety of skills. As time goes on, our proficiency in some skills can slowly deteriorate, often without us noticing. Aviation Language and radiotelephony skills are prone to weaken over time. This can be due to infrequent use or even picking up ‘bad habits’ with our radiotelephony technique from outside sources. SkyNav’s purpose-built modules will refresh knowledge of ICAO standard phraseology requirements and further develop an individual’s techniques.
English for Non-Operational Staff
It is a common misconception that communication in Aviation English is only for Air Traffic Control and flightcrew. Many of the agencies involved in aviation, from handling agents to airline flight operations, can greatly benefit from understanding the unique characteristics of this specific language. Not only that, but administrative staff and management levels within aviation organisations are often confused by the terms and nuances. We can provide courses that will enhance this knowledge.

Computer Based Training Modules
SkyNav understands that face-to-face training is not always possible to achieve. While in-person training is the most effective method of delivering language related content, our experienced training team have developed training modules that can be delivered remotely and self-study packages that can be practiced by trainees without the need for direct instructional input.

Aviation City, Dubai World Central,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 58 548 3759