Who are SkyNav?
SkyNav was created by three individuals passionate about aerospace, determined to see modern, progressive change within our industry. From these humble beginnings, our team continues to grow to include a diverse pool of experts from all over the globe.
The SkyNav team consists of operational air traffic controllers, fixed-wing and rotary flightcrew, national regulators, international liaison, procedure developers, safety compliance auditors, experts to ICAO technical panels, English language assessors, project managers, and aircraft test & evaluation specialists.
Our experience is truly global; reaching across the world as consultants for previous companies, voluntarily through organisations such as ICAO, IFALPA, & IFATCA, and even as independent individuals assisting our contacts in other states.
The formation of SkyNav
Having spent many years working within the international arena, we realised there was a need for a lightweight, yet efficient and forward-thinking aerospace consultancy. One where the most effective outcome drives our processes, ensuring that we deliver tangible results to our customers and placing them in the best place for future growth. This concept is fundamental in setting SkyNav’s work ethic. We believe in delivering for the future.
Working within a lightweight organisational structure enables us to deliver high performance solutions within cost effective budgets. We understand the need for cost effective solutions in the modern world, developing goals that are relevant and tangible, without adding unnecessary costs. This is why SkyNav will not try to sell services that are not necessary. We don’t believe in forcing future business; we believe the quality of our service and results sell themselves.

A different approach
Part of how we achieve this is through embracing new methods and future technologies. Forward thinking concepts that exploit the potential of current and future generation systems, along with modern vision and advanced project management styles realised by our young and enthusiastic workforce. Preparing our customers for the future means that we don’t just deliver results – we deliver confidence.
We understand that every organisation, every state, every country and every region has it’s own specific characteristics, needs and requirements. This uniqueness also provides it’s own benefits and potential. We do not approach our customers to tell them what to do; we work with them to develop their strengths into sustainable industry leaders.
Our fundamental values
SkyNav believes in people. We believe in community. We believe in knowing and understanding our customers and including them in our community. This means we also understand how our work directly impacts our world. Our solutions are focussed on sustainability, building strong foundations for our future generations.
We believe diversity is important. We do not judge based on age, gender, race, or location. Every one of our customers are individuals, and we respect them equally.
We treat all of our customers as friends. We are there to help you when needed, to provide support and direction.

Join the SkyNav team
Be part of the change!
The SkyNav family consists of a core team in the international headquarters in Dubai, which is supported by a distributed network of experts spread around the globe.
Our network of remote working experts provide the operational expertise across the various parts of the industry and in all the regions of the world, that gives us the quality we produce.
Many of our distributed team continue to work operationally in flight operations, air traffic management, or regulatory roles, which ensures they remain up-to-date and operationally relevant. They provide the on demand support for projects as and when they are required. This provide us flexibility and efficiency.
If you think you have the passion for safety and desire for change why not contact us and see what opportunities are available.

Aviation City, Dubai World Central,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Phone: +971 58 548 3759
Email: info@skynavintl.com